How nice that you have chosen Jack's. Please follow the below step-by-step plan to open an account:
Step-by-step plan 'Open an account’
1. Click on the 'Register' button at the top right.
2. Enter your e-mail address and create a secure password of at least 8 characters, including 1 number and 1 letter.
3. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
4. Next, enter your personal details.
5. Upload or scan your proof of identity, such as a Dutch passport, driver's license or identity card.
6. You will also be asked to enter your phone number, BSN and IBAN. With your BSN, we check if you are registered in CRUKS (Central Register Exclusion of Gambling).
7. Set your limits (max. balance, deposit limit and session time). We recommend that you set your limits realistically.
8. Make your first deposit from the bank account you have registered.
9. You will receive a verification e-mail in your inbox, click on the link.
10. Complete your registration.